English Plantain

English Plantain
Plantago lanceolata
Eastern Deciduous Forest, Tall Grass Prairie

Habitat: fields, waste areas

Active chemical ingredient: Aucubin C15H22O9

Parts used: entire plant

Used for: treat frostbite, rattlesnake bites, diarrhea, fever, coughing, infections, inflammation, stop bleeding, burns, insect bites, blisters, dermatitis, rope burn

Preparation: fresh leaves for frostbite, roots used for snake bites; decoction of roots for diarrhea, fever, cough; leaf and seed extract (antibacterial); hot-leaf poultice for inflammations and infections; decoction of dried leaves for bleeding; crushed fresh leaves, salve, cream, or poultice for burns, insect bites, blisters, dermatitis, chewed fresh leaf blended with water and applied to skin for rope burn

Sources: DeVries, L. (n.d.). Plantain - Medicinal Herb Info. Retrieved August 31, 2015, fromhttp://medicinalherbinfo.org/herbs/Plantain.html

Plantain Herbal Remedies. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2015, fromhttp://www.altmd.com/Articles/Plantain-Herbal-Remedies

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