White Pine Tree

White Pine Tree
Pinus strobus
Eastern Deciduous Forest, Tall Grass Prairie

Habitat: forest areas

Active chemical ingredient: chrysin C15H10O4

Parts used: needles, sap, bark

Used for: coughs, colds, heal wounds, stabilize broken bones, stitch wounds

Preparation: tincture of pine sap to treat coughs and colds, direct application of pine sap on open wounds to facilitate healing, bark used as cast for broken bones, bark from saplings used as stitches for large open wounds

Sources: Pine Keeps You Fine - Susun Weed herbal medicine articles on women's health: Menopause, fertility, breast cancer / breast health, and much more... (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2015, from http://www.susunweed.com/Article_Pine-Keeps-You-Fine.htm

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