Thursday, October 22, 2015

I am so confused...

Today we had a lesson on significant figures, and although the concept themselves are not the most difficult, trying to learn all of the little rules simultaneously is challenging. I am going to have to study and do some practice problems before the test because everything is still so confusing.
There are a lot of rules regarding significant figures

Calculations with significant figures are different if the problem is add/subtracting or mult./dividing


  1. Laurie I completely agree with you, these significant digits are proving harder to understand than I expected, but what you have here is quite helpful, and if you're still having trouble, on my blog I have a link that really helped out, and is similar to these pictures here, but they provide a little explanation to go along with the examples as well

  2. I agree, I am really struggling with this lesson and the concept of significant digits. I thought they were really easy at first, but as I went on I kept messing up and digging myself deeper and deeper into a hole of endless confusion. I think that watching some videos on sig figs would really help you. Bozeman Science has a great one:

  3. I agree that the significant figures lesson was really confusing and I agree that it was especially hard because there were so many rules we had to remember at the same time. However, these pictures are really helpful because they offer explanations with the problem, so thank you!
