Saturday, October 31, 2015

Matter and Measurement Test

The unit test was one of the more difficult tests this year. The most difficult part was finishing the test in a timely manner. I found that I sometimes took too long on certain dimensional analysis problems that forced me to rush to finish the test in the end. I am not as confident with this test as I have been with previous tests, but all I can do is hope that I good score now. Recipe project was fun, and everyone brought in good food that I really enjoyed.

1 comment:

  1. Laurie, I also had issues finishing the test in a timely manner. I had to guess on a couple because I ran out of time. I should practice the math problems and conversions to get quicker and more familiar with them. Also, thank you for trying my pumpkin dip! You and Mrs. Frankenburg were the only ones to even try it. I know it looked a little gross, however, in my opinion it is delicious. So, thank you for eating some of it!
