Monday, November 16, 2015

Chloride Lab

Almost everyone in class made it to lab! The pre-lab was only one question and it was a little easier than before, mainly because we are more used to these type of questions now. Overall, this lab was less strenuous to complete. It was similar to the hydrate lab except we weren't allowed to use Bunsen burners this time.
Heating the test sample on a hot plate
Finished product (ours was a little black and crusted and I was afraid at first because no one else's looked like ours)

Cooling the finished product so we can weigh it


  1. I agree this pre lab question seemed to be easier, and the lab was pretty simple. Though the fumes were not delightful!

  2. Yea, I felt the Pre-lab questions were fairly simple also, and the lab was a load of fun! Also it was a little weird not using the bunsen burners, but it's ok, using a hotplate is a lot more fun than blowing up the school due to the gas leak...
