Monday, May 9, 2016

Gas Laws Reflection

This unit has been overall not too difficult. There was a lot of math involved, but thankfully it was not difficult math. A lot of the work involved is finding where to plug in the variables into the equation. I love gas laws.

Gas Laws Quiz

This quiz was relatively difficult due to the fact that I had not covered my concept questions well enough while studying. I got a grade that reflected my effort put into this quiz which was not a lot, but I am not mad because I definitely deserved what I got. Frankenberg was right when she said that the math questions weren't the ones that people messed up on. I am just going to study more for the unit test, and my final exemption took off a lot of stress about getting a not so great grade on this quiz.

Future Study Links:

Pies and Vegetables

This is the combined gas law that combines all of the gas laws, Boyle's, Charles, and Avogadro's into one gas law. Each of these gas laws is a form of this equation.
These are the gas laws that come from combined gas law.

Ideal Gas Law Crash Course Chemistry

Monday, May 2, 2016

Gas Laws Day 1

We started our gas laws unit today. We covered Boyle's Law and learned the different conversion factors for the units we will be using for his unit.
The lesson today wasn't too hard since the formula was not too complex for Boyle's Law

Also we had to learn the idea that if volume increases pressure decreases which looks like this:

Extra Study Links:

Monday, April 25, 2016

Unit Test: Energy

This test was short because we only had a thirty minute time period to complete it. Overall, I felt pretty prepared for it, and I feel like it went well. I was not confident in a couple of my answers, but most of the questions were easy enough for me to understand. I'm excited to get my grade back, and even if it doesn't turn out well, I know that I still have some extra credit from the boat races saved up!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Studying for the Unit Test

Studying for this test was a little more challenging since we didn't have a unit quiz to base our progress off of. Overall, this unit wasn't too difficult though, and the math especially was relatively simple compared to some of the math we had to do early in the semester. I used these resources to study for the unit test in Energy.
Phase Changes
Intermolecular forces
Heat Capacity
Heating and Cooling Curves
Bozeman Phase Change Video