Thursday, December 3, 2015

Test Day ¡Yikes!

Today we had a chemistry test! It was fairly difficult, but I after reviewing some of the questions, I came to a consensus as to what the answer is. I'm a little nervous to see my grade since it's so late  in the semester, but I am fairly confident in my test. There were some questions that were iffy to me. Also, it didn't take as long to finish the test as it did for the chemical composition test, so that relieved some stress. Overall, this test was challenging but not as stressful as last test.


  1. I felt exactly the same about the test!

  2. I feel the same way, Laurie. I know that I did better than the last test, but I am nervous as to how this test will affect my semester grade this late in the running. Hopefully, we'll all feel better on Monday!

  3. I felt the same way! My grade for the semester is right on the edge so I'm really hoping this test will bring it up.

  4. I felt the same exact way as you did, it was such a confidence booster taking this test as I knew most of the answers, and what I was doing as well!

  5. Nice pic! I also am hesitant to see my grade because it is so close to the end of the semester.
