Monday, February 8, 2016

Quiz Acids and Bases

Taking this quiz, I felt OK. I can't really say I was confident because I felt so rushed the entire time since I had less time to finish the quiz than normal, but getting my grade back later that week, I felt like it reflected accurately my comprehension of the unit. It was not a good grade, to say the least, but it was only a quiz thankfully and now I have worked toward correcting these mistakes. I thought, going into the quiz, that I would be most tripped up by the ICE box and math problems, but I found that I was actually tripped up by the definition-y problems which makes sense since I didn't study that part of the material as much. I'm glad we've been doing long labs and low-stress activities in class because I have been able to go home and study for the test this Thursday. I'm glad that I've made these mistakes and am able to correct them, but I just have to pray that I don't make these silly mistakes on the test!


  1. I did the same thing! I studied harder for the math problems and ended up doing poorly on the denfinition-y problems on the quiz.

  2. For me it was the exact opposite: I did really good on the definition-y questions, but then completely face-planted on the math, hopefully I learn my lesson for the next quiz!
