Thursday, April 7, 2016

Making Biodiesel

Day 1:
Today we made biodiesel in class with used fryer oil from Chick-fil-A. The fryer oil was a dark brown color that was thick and looked like maple syrup. It smelled like pickles.

First, we had to measure out our oil and base. We then mixed them together and put the mixture on a hot plate with a stirring rod for 25 minutes. The resulting formula looked like a cloudy brown color. After it was done mixing, we poured out the biodiesel, and we saw the separation of the methyl esters and glycerin form.

Day 2:
We separated the glycerin and biodiesel today. We tested and burned the biodiesel and received our engines for out boats.


  1. The biodiesel definitely smelled really bad. However, I think the lab was exciting anyways. Separating the biodiesel and the glycerin was really tedious.

  2. I like pickles, but the smell of the oil was even too much for me! I really liked this lab because it was complicated enough that it kept us busy, but wasn't too complicated that it made us stressed out.
