Monday, September 21, 2015

Atomic Structure and Radioactivity Pre-test

I took the pre-test last week and honestly knew none of the material covered. I had fun making patterns in the scantron sheets. Taking the test at the end of the unit and realizing that I learned all of that material in a few weeks is so satisfying, especially seeing how much progress I've made throughout the unit. Hopefully by the end of the unit I will not feel as lost taking the test as I did taking the pre-test.

1 comment:

  1. Laurie, I am with you, I was really lost during the pretest for this unit and knew hardly nothing! It is very satisfying to see how much we are learning though! Already in just a week or so we have learned so much stuff. Sometimes when I learn something new, I think back and remember it being on the pretest. It is cool just how quickly we are excelling and learning stuff we knew nothing about before!
