Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Hydrate Lab Fun

Yesterday, we did the Hydrate Lab. It consisted of a lot of measuring, burning, and fanning. First we weighed our test tube, filled it with a small amount of copper (II) sulfate. We heated the copper (II) sulfate with a Bunsen burner until it turned white and all of the water was driven away. We then cooled the test tube, measured it again, and then burned it again, repeating the rest of our procedure one more time to ensure that all of the water was driven away. Finally we calculated the mole amount of water that was driven away in the heating through mole conversion and dimensional analysis. The lab itself was not especially stressful, but the pre-lab certainly was. My lab partner, Lindsi, and I had to choose either problem A or problem B without knowing what each problem was. I ended up getting the easier procedure problem while Lindsi ended up with the math problem. I had faith in her to get the answer correct, but the only thing I was worried about was time. Mrs. Frankenberg gives us three minutes to complete the question, and that ticking clock adds a lot of stress that can make it hard to calculate. Lindsi got the question right, and I was not especially surprised because I knew she prepared. The rest of the class hour went smoothly, and we were able to finish the lab before the class hour finished.
The hydrated copper (II) sulfate in the test tube

After heating the copper(II) sulfate, it started to turn white

Once the copper (II) sulfate turned white, we had to fan the test tube to cool it down

Finished product


  1. I had so much fun doing this lab with you Laurie, and I was very grateful four faith in me while doing that pesky pre-lab! :) I really enjoyed this lab, as it was pretty straight forward and didn't involve a whole lot of steps. Here's to another successful lab! ;)

  2. I had so much fun doing this lab with you Laurie, and I was very grateful four faith in me while doing that pesky pre-lab! :) I really enjoyed this lab, as it was pretty straight forward and didn't involve a whole lot of steps. Here's to another successful lab! ;)

  3. I agree with you this lab was very successful! My partner, Ryan, and I had a great time doing our first lab in chemistry this year. For the prelab quiz, Ryan got the procedural question and I got the math question. I was confident in his ability because he had prepared. He got the answer correct easily, however, the answer did not come as easily for me. I knew how to do the problem, but the time stressed me out! Mrs. Frankenburg was understanding and let me finish the problem even once the time was a little over. Ryan and I passed and got to do the lab. It was exciting!
