Monday, November 16, 2015


The test today was death. The common consensus was that everyone either failed or didn't finish...which is basically the same thing. Before the test started, Mrs. Frankenberg told us to start as soon as we can because we would need the extra time, and she was so right. The questions themselves were things we had gone over before, but doing 36 questions that each took about 3-5 minutes to finish in a 50 minutes class period was the most challenging part. Throughout the day I heard people in the halls talking about the "36 questions" and how much it sucked, and I can say that I agree with them. It sucked. every class I went into someone was talking about the chemistry test, either panicking about taking it next hour or talking about how much they failed. I'm glad it's over, but I'm dreading seeing my grade because I am so unsure of myself with this one.


  1. I totally agree! Everybody talked about it and everybody felt the the same emotion, dread. I'm afraid to get my grade back on this one because I just know it's going to be horrible.

  2. This is exactly how I felt! Though I feel the content was familiar I felt extremely rushed!

  3. I wish I had more time to work out the problems I knew how to do! I felt like I was being pushed down a race track by a rocket to finish on time, which I failed at anyway :C

  4. I agree! Everyone kept on asking me how it was 4th hour because they had it next hour, and I just didn't even want to talk about it. I felt like I knew how to do most of them, but blanked on some of them taking up some of my time which I could have put forth to another problem. Hopefully the next unit is much smoother!

  5. Someone finally put it into words, yes that was HARD. we were forced to sprint through problems that should be taking several minutes to finish. The worst part was when second hour students started to walk in and stare at us as we scribbled in bubbles to all the problems we couldn't get to.
