Tuesday, January 12, 2016

It Will Get Better

Today we had a quiz over the unit so far, and honestly I cannot tell you at this moment what this unit is about. Coming back from break has really messed me up, and the fact that I cannot explain to you what exactly we are doing in this unit should show how well I understand the material. The quiz today was... rough. I know that the quiz itself was not the most challenging one we took all year, but because I am still so shaky on these concepts, I was not able to confidently answer as many questions as I would have liked to. I vaguely remember dilution questions and some things about molarity, but a lot of times after quizzes my mind just deletes that small 55-minute portion of my life taking that quiz and I forget everything I had just done. This unit is turning out to be a bit more difficult than usual because I'm still on vacation mode. Oh well, it will get better... hopefully.

Helpful Study Links:


  1. I feel the exact same way! This winter break really threw me off, and it's becoming extremely hard to understand the concepts we are learning when my mind is still used to getting up during 3rd hour!

  2. I feel the exact same way! This winter break really threw me off, and it's becoming extremely hard to understand the concepts we are learning when my mind is still used to getting up during 3rd hour!
