Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Oh my word!

The unit test for chemical bonds was not as difficult as I expected because many of the questions on the test were similar to ones I studied on the practice quizzes on Schoology. I was (un)pleasantly surprised when Frankenberg revealed to us that there were 46 questions on the test. I was planning on there being less, but I didn't have much time to dwell on this because I had to get the test started! Even with so many questions, I was able to finish all of them and be fairly confident in 80% of my answers, which is above average for chemistry tests! I hope I will score as well as I felt after the test, and if not, I will not be too upset about it because this was a particularly challenging unit for me!


  1. I felt the same way! I freaked out because I was scared I couldn't finish but I feel confident! My score was fairly well!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was also worried about the number of questions on the exam, but when I looked at the test and saw that most of them were directly from the Schoology tests, I felt much better!

  4. I was also terrified when I saw how long the test was! But like you said, there wasn't much time to be upset since we had to get going with the test. This was a pretty tough unit but it helped that they were mostly from schoology.
